Spanish bullfighting a thrilling game

In Spain, the matador is regarded as the most heroic man, much people respect and worship. Bull of Spain's cultural legacy, has for centuries or even millennia of history. Alda Mira found in the Neolithic cave paintings, people to see some record of the portrayal of people struggling with the cattle. According to historical records, once ruled Spain's Roman Julius Caesar is also keen on bullfighting on horseback, then, developed into a bull and cow standing on the ground fighting. From the prototype development of modern bullfighting bullfighting campaign today, enduring the sport for thousands of years, nature has its own unique charm. In Spain, the matador is regarded as the most heroic man, much people respect and worship.
This is the third to Spain, the first two games did not catch up with bullfighting, has finally achieved in Seville wish. Andalusian town of Ronda is the birthplace of the Spanish bullfight, so in the south, more people pay attention bullfighting. Spain's many art masters, are received in the bullfight inspired Picasso's son Claude memories of his father's love for bullfighting, saying it was the Spaniard's love of blood will flow, "along with his father's passion for bullfighting grew up and my grandfather used to take him to the bull, cow dancing in front of people, wonderful dance to show the love between humans and animals, and finally ended with death. "To be honest, I have seen one in Barcelona Bull market, put aside all the gorgeous and mysterious, left me feeling not the most profound love, but "cruel" words. This is a reading, can really clear sense from the heart of the southern people love the sport, and Barcelona, more like a show for tourists. In any case, we see that the value of a bull be, because in addition to the normal bull program, also saw a lot of unexpected images. Let us look at the effect of religion jeans. The first time that I found that I fall in love with true religion stores was the time that my friend sent me as a gift for my birthday.But from that moment, I fall in love with true religion clothing soon. You know why? The Straight Leg Jeans have changed my mind as then are very comfortable. What is more, being a person of character, that is one of reason why I fall in love with it. The designs, I have to say, can follow the pace of modern society also as becoming a symbol of fashion

Par luboots le lundi 15 août 2011


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