Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda: effect of foreign exchange intervention last week too earl

Japanese Finance Minister Yoshihiko Noda (Yoshihiko Noda) Friday (12) that the assessment last week to sell the yen, intervention has been the impact on the market too early.

Yoshihiko Noda, during a routine news conference, the current to determine the impact of interventions is premature.

Yoshihiko Noda also said that if the yen continued unilateral fluctuations, the Japanese government will consider various measures. He pointed out that, according to the Group of Seven (G7) on Monday reached an agreement, the authorities will take action if necessary.

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Germany and France combined against the euro area bonds of Japan's second-quarter GDP decline less than expected France to be introduced to reduce the deficit 24 program interest rate policy will be in the first place the number of off stocks RMB Crack benefit analysis of body movements to capture the geometric soaring dark horse mystery Yoshihiko Noda said that if the yen continued to show a unilateral movements, he will consider various measures, due to appreciation of the yen a threat to the country from March earthquake recovery.

He also said that he might fall in the government plans to rebuild the preparation of the new supplementary budget to take into account some of the negative impact of yen appreciation relief measures.

Yoshihiko Noda said at a news conference: "Given the current situation in which I can not interfere on August 4 the effect of a clear comment and I will come to a judge while trying to determine the longer-term exchange rate movements. Now too early to tell, each country has its own measures, but if the yen continued the trend was unilateral, and I will consider a variety of responses. "

In addition, Japan's Economy and Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano (Kaoru Yosano) on Friday also said that excessive exchange rate volatility and the earthquake in March after a power supply uncertainties pose downside risks to the Japanese economy. Let us look at the effect of religion jeans. Our goal is always to try and create our own individual style so depending on your preferences you may want to buck the trends altogether, but it is always helpful to know what the latest trends are so that you can choose whether you want to incorporate them into your own personal wardrobe. It is always good to have at least one true religion stores that is trendy enough to help spruce up your wardrobe and with the current trends for true religion clothing.

Par luboots le lundi 15 août 2011


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